About Sylvia Thiele

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So far Sylvia Thiele has created 34 blog entries.

New Years Greetings


New Years Greetings Dresden, 02.01.2019 Let us take this opportunity to thank you for all your faith and dedication. May this year bring new happiness, new goals, new achievements and a lot of new inspirations on your life. Wishing you a year fully loaded with happiness!

New Years Greetings2019-01-09T10:15:52+01:00

Pressemeldung Til


Biomarkers to earlier recognize Bone Metastases Dresden, 18.12.2018 A team of bone and cancer specialists from Essen and Dresden have identified two biomarkers (RANKL and OPG) in a study of bone metabolism that can better predict the course of breast cancer over a ten-year period. The team hopes that the discovery will lead to a more precise risk assessment regarding personalized therapies, with the aim of delaying the progression of the disease. The results of their study were published in the journal Clinical Cancer Research (doi: 10.1158 / 1078-0432.CCR-18-2482). Press Release [...]

Pressemeldung Til2019-01-15T13:01:22+01:00

Aphrodite fund-raiser


Aphrodite on Tour - Art for Cancer Research Dresden, 05.12.2018 A life-sized sculpture by local artist Thomas Reichstein is currently touring the campus of the Dresden University Medical Center and will be displayed at the Bone Lab Dresden for the next two weeks. Aphrodite is an ambassador of the fund-raiser for the new building of the National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT) and donations made for the cause will be employed to the construction of the ONCO-INNOVATION-LAB, a state-of-the-art laboratory combining informatics and medicine to develop new strategies and technologies for cancer research [...]

Aphrodite fund-raiser2019-01-15T12:50:09+01:00

Weihnachten im Schuhkarton – Christmas in the Shoebox


Schenken macht glücklich - wir packen mit! Dresden, 03.12.2018 Children are the future of our world! What comes naturally to most of our children is a rare stroke of luck for many children in other countries: a present for Christmas. Small as it may be, it puts a smile on the children's face. For many children it is a great sign of hope, solidarity and charity - and this sign shines not only at Christmas, but also throughout the year. Supporting the action "Kinder helfen Kindern by ADRA Deutschland e.v." together with our [...]

Weihnachten im Schuhkarton – Christmas in the Shoebox2019-01-15T12:55:42+01:00
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