About Sylvia Thiele

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So far Sylvia Thiele has created 34 blog entries.

Two international experts providing insights into MSC epigenetics and iron metabolism


Two international experts providing insights into MSC epigenetics and iron metabolism Dresden, 17.09.2019 The Bone Lab thanks Laura Silvestri from the Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele in Milan, Italy and Alexander Rauch from the University of Southern Denmark for their fantastic talks on iron metabolism and the control of hepcidin expression and the epigenetic control of MSC differentiation into osteoblasts and adipocytes. We learned a lot and are looking forward to further collaborations!

Two international experts providing insights into MSC epigenetics and iron metabolism2019-09-17T15:33:31+02:00

How does diabetes impact bone health?


How does diabetes impact bone health? Dresden, 05.09.2019 Diabetes mellitus is a widespread metabolic disease, with negative/adverse effects on many organ systems. Diabetes also significantly affects bone health. An increased risk of bone fractures and impaired fracture healing has been observed in patients, but the mechanisms are not fully understood. In order to investigate the links between diabetes and the bone system, the EU project "FIDELIO" will run for four years starting October 2019. This European Training Network, coordinated by scientists from the Faculty of Medicine of the Technical University of Dresden, is [...]

How does diabetes impact bone health?2019-09-16T11:49:50+02:00

Congratulations to Dr. Colditz!


Congratulations to Dr. Colditz! Dresden, 08.08.2019 Another PhD from the Bone Lab: Dr. Juliane Colditz! She defended her thesis entitled “Defining the role of DKK1 in bone homeostasis and the pathogenesis of postmenopausal osteoporosis” and successfully passed the Rigorosum. At the end of the day she left with a big smile and a Summa cum laude. Well done, Juliane!

Congratulations to Dr. Colditz!2019-08-08T09:46:52+02:00

Charity run: 470 runners set signs against cancer


Charity run: 470 runners set signs against cancer Dresden, 03.07.2019 Charity run: 470 runners set signs against cancer Successful start: At the first charity run of the National Center for Tumor Diseases Dresden (NCT / UCC), around 470 runners started in the Dresden Waldpark on July 2. Alone or as a team, all participants covered a distance of more than 3,100 kilometers. About 10,000 euros in donations for cancer research were made. Thanks to Martina for her active support! Further information: https://www.nct-dresden.de/das-nctucc-dresden/spenden/benefizlauf.html

Charity run: 470 runners set signs against cancer2019-07-04T12:15:57+02:00

Wir waren bei der Rewe Team Challenge dabei – dem Knochen zuliebe!


Wir waren bei der Rewe Team Challenge dabei - dem Knochen zuliebe! Dresden, 31.05.2019 Denn Laufen stärkt die Knochen Knochen können nur stark werden und stark bleiben, wenn sie regelmäßig kräftig belastet werden. Schon dreimal 15 Laufminuten pro Woche sorgen dafür, dass das Risiko, Osteoporose zu bekommen, um bis zu 40 Prozent sinkt. Mit der Belastung steigt die Knochendichte, dies schützt vor Frakturen und Osteoporose. Knochenverlust und dessen Behandlung ist nur eines der vielen Themen, mit denen sich das Bone Lab beschäftigt. Ulrike Baschant läuft seit vielen Jahren und trainiert regelmäßig. „Laufen gehört [...]

Wir waren bei der Rewe Team Challenge dabei – dem Knochen zuliebe!2019-06-04T11:16:48+02:00

Elena Tsourdi is awarded the Clinical Fellowship 2019


Elena Tsourdi is awarded the Clinical Fellowship 2019 Dresden, 28.05.2019 Elena Tsourdi is ECTS Clinical Fellowship Awardee 2019 having been granted 10.000€ for clinical research in the field of bone disease. With the project ‘The effect of antiresorptive and osteoanabolic drugs on the expression of bone-specific microRNAs in women with postmenopausal osteoporosis’ she and her collaborators plan to test whether bone-specific miRNAs are differently regulated by osteoporosis therapeutics. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) regulate various cell functions by inhibiting target gene expression, and bone-specific miRNAs can be potential diagnostic tools in postmenopausal osteoporosis. The main goal [...]

Elena Tsourdi is awarded the Clinical Fellowship 20192019-06-04T10:44:29+02:00

Franziska Lademann won this year’s Award Von Recklinghausen


Franziska Lademann wins this year's Von Recklinghausen Prize Dresden, 21.03.2019 The German Society for Endocrinology (DGE) supports and awards outstanding achievements in basic and clinical research . The Von Recklinghausen Award honors outstanding original scientific work in the field of calcium regulating hormones and bone metabolism. Franziska Lademann won this year’s award with her work on “Lack of the thyroid hormone transporter MCT8 in osteoblast and osteoclast progenitors increases trabecular bone in male mice”! Thyroid hormones are important for maintaining a healthy bone. Their transport into target cells is mediated by transporter proteins, [...]

Franziska Lademann won this year’s Award Von Recklinghausen2019-04-03T10:34:22+02:00

Out of the shell and step into life


Just in time for the "Tag der Seltenen Erkrankungen" our researchers discover protein for more mobility Dresden, 21.02.2019 Only a few know the rare bone disease FOP: as in a nightmare, muscles and connective tissue are transformed into bone - and those affected are literally walled up alive. As a result, these patients become prisoners of their own body. Scientists of the Faculty of Medicine Carl Gustav Carus at the TU Dresden have now discovered a protein that inhibits excessive bone formation in FOP. In the future, this could be a therapeutic approach. [...]

Out of the shell and step into life2019-02-21T13:38:53+01:00

Critical, vibrant, colourful – our Bone Lab is like Brazilian carnival


Critical, vibrant, colourful - our Bone Lab is like Brazilian carnival Dresden, 23.01.2019 Prof. Paula Goes Dutra and Caio de Santiago Dutra from Brazil enrich our lab! How did I get to this field of research? I initiated in this research field following the research line of my former supervisor. Why did you chose the bone lab? I chose the bone lab because of my interest on Wnt signaling pathway. I was fascinated by the papers published by Martina Rauner. In addition, I would like to come to Germany, since this country has been [...]

Critical, vibrant, colourful – our Bone Lab is like Brazilian carnival2019-02-21T13:34:29+01:00

Science sketch


Science sketch Dresden, 15.01.2019 Our PhD student Juliane Colditz has created a cartoon that explains the importance of the mouse as an animal model in bone research. Young and old get an animated explanation, how disease develop such as osteoporosis and bone cancer and how the research contributes to healing. Juliane even won a prize in a video competition. Congratulations!

Science sketch2019-01-21T08:20:26+01:00
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