Aphrodite on Tour – Art for Cancer Research
Dresden, 05.12.2018
A life-sized sculpture by local artist Thomas Reichstein is currently touring the campus of the Dresden University Medical Center and will be displayed at the Bone Lab Dresden for the next two weeks. Aphrodite is an ambassador of the fund-raiser for the new building of the National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT) and donations made for the cause will be employed to the construction of the ONCO-INNOVATION-LAB, a state-of-the-art laboratory combining informatics and medicine to develop new strategies and technologies for cancer research and treatment. Every second person in Germany has a risk of being diagnosed with cancer during their lifetime and 500.000 cases of cancer are newly diagnosed every year, making the diseases one of the most serious health issues of our time. Therefore, action is needed to strengthen cancer research in Germany in order to develop more efficient diagnostic tools and therapies to change the outcome for cancer patients and ultimately improve their life. We at Bone Lab Dresden are happy to support this initiative and we encourage you to join our effort.
Be part of the action by finding out more about the fund-raiser and by making a donation.